Here is a list of some of the best free presentation tools that you can use in your classroom. Make sure you share theses links with your colleagues
I : Presentation Tools :
I : Presentation Tools :
- Slidecasting ; mix audio and slides into your pres...
- slideboom ; host and share your presentations for ...
- slideshare; the largest presentation sharing commu...
- Empressr ; create rich media presentations
- Creaza : Easy Multimedia Creating, Editing and Publishing To...
- Zoho Show : Create , Edit and Share Your Presentations Onlin...
- SlideSix :Combine Videos and Slides in one single screen
- :easy note taking and flash card making tool
- Dropbox: the best way to share , sync and back up your files
- Popplet : The educative presentation ,mind mapping...
- authorSTREAM : The Educative web2.0 Presentation S...
- SlideRocket your educative presentation tool
- 280Slides :The teacher’s best tool to make present...
- Popplet : The educative presentation ,mind mapping...
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