How does SpeakingEnglish Pal Tutor work ?
It is very simple to use. As soon as you instal the app you launch it and get engaged in conversation with its video character which is normally 2 minutes long. The app then will assess your language and give you feedback on the sentences you were uttering . Once you are done you can then share the recordings with your friends and colleagues.
Speaking English Pal Tutor is the kind of app that teachers need to recommend for their students and get them away from those stupid gaming apps that are doing nothing but wasting their time.
To download Speaking English for Android you need to head over to Android market and for iOS devices you head over to iTunes Apple store.
Watch this short video to learn more about Speaking English Pal
Here are some screenshots of Speaking English Pal
If you want more apps that completely free together with video tutorials on how to use them then head over to my second website called The Best of Mobile Technology
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